Business Finland: US ports and waterways market study release

business finland
Tapahtuman aika

Please join us for this webinar where the US ports and waterways market study findings will be released. This market study is focused on understanding and defining business opportunities for Finnish technology in the defined ports and inland waterways in the US.

The target of the study is to give a good understanding of where the relevant ports are (e.g. location, size, type, development and investment projects, contacts) and to provide a great starting point for further actions of business development. The webinar is targeted to Finnish marine, ports, system integrator and technology companies who seek growth in the United States' port sector.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal invests $17 billion into modernizing infrastructure at ports and waterways, making it the largest federal investment in ports in US history.

This study is part of the Global Innovation Partnership Program (GIPP), that promotes Finnish innovation exports and investments in Finland and is jointly operated by Business Finland and the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK. The program focuses on trade and industrial cooperation outside the defence procurement program and is therefore not a part of the Finnish government's procurement process.

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