Luentosarja: Ice Loading On ships-comparisons of full-scale data with numerical models

Tapahtuman aika

This event is part of a lecture series for experts, professors and industry leaders in the maritime sector

Natural disaster management requires risk management and assessment, limiting negative events, making timely and informed decisions and optimizing the use of resources – Climate change is expected to cause rapid changes in sea ice conditions and, at the same time, the new sustainability requirements increase the shipping  in icy waters to shorten the transport distances. The current experience-based determination of ice-induced loads on ships, primarily deriving from historical data,  are not valid any more. New approaches are urgently needed, based on accurate  experimental data in real ice conditions and an in-depth understanding of the physics in the ship-ice interaction. The lecture will summarize the present current best practices in this research topic.

Lecturer: Pentti Kujala

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