Morning coffee with a professor: Engineering novel light-emitting devices by controlling light-matter interactions

Tapahtuman aika

The goal of this series of seminars is to generate active dialogue between the local businesses and the University of Turku’s programme in Mechanical and Materials Engineering. You’re welcome to hear about the favourite subjects of new professors and discuss the topics that are of interest to your company.

The events will be held on Fridays from 8.30–9.30 a.m. Each seminar starts with a 20–30-minute keynote address on the subject. We hope that the companies will actively take part in the discussion!

Konstantinos Daskalakis: Engineering novel light-emitting devices by controlling light-matter interactions

My research focuses on the multidisciplinary fields of photonics, plasmonics and organic electronics. I am particularly interested in understanding and engineering the interactions between light and matter in novel light-emitting devices such as OLEDs and organic LASERs. In other words, by gaining access to the microscopic world I make matter and light “dance” harmonically for improving the efficiency of environmentally friendly solid-state lighting devices. My work is mostly done in laboratories (experimental) and involves fabrication and processing of multilayer thin-film devices, spectroscopy and electrical characterization.

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