NaviGate 2020

Turku Fair and Congress Center (Finland)
Tapahtuman aika

NaviGate is an international fair for professionals, organised at the Turku Fair and Congress Center (Finland) from 22nd to 23rd January 2020. The last event in May 2018 brought together around 200 companies showcasing their expertise. The expo attracted 1271 visitors and totally almost 2500 professionals met face to face.

Multidisciplinary expertise well-represented at the fair

NaviGate is a big draw for professionals in the maritime cluster. A high number of the visitors are professionals in maritime logistics, maritime industry and the subcontracting industry, and many are customers of the industry (shipyards, shipping companies). Many representatives of learning institutes, as well as students, officials and the press also attend NaviGate.

Important areas of maritime industry expertise will be broadly on display:
•Cargo traffic (shipping companies, designers, shipyards, subcontractors, harbors, engineering, services)
•Cruise traffic (shipping companies, designers, shipyards, research, energy, safety, engines, air conditioning, furniture, control systems, entertainment electronics, etc.)
•Car ferries and ro-ro traffic (logistics operators, harbor technology, shipping companies, shipyards, subcontractors)
•Oil and gas offshore production (energy companies, technology, living, safety)
•Renewable energy production (energy companies, equipment suppliers, subcontractors, public administration)
•Officials, education and research and other public demand

Highly visible marketing

NaviGate 2020 will be broadly visible in both Finnish and foreign media. The marketing channels consist of international online and printed publications, social media and the publications of the Finnish Marine Industries. We also send personal invitations to key influencers in the industry.


More information and registration here.