Health at Sea - Is the maritime industry ready to resume safe operations

Tapahtuman aika

The COVID-19 pandemic has set a stop to a large part of passenger traffic at sea, and the market outlook is looming. The industry needs urgent measures to speed up recovery and to resume safe operations.

In this webinar, we discuss the measures industry has been taking to protect guests, crews and destinations. Is it enough?

What does it take to resume safe operations, and are we ready for it?

On behalf of Business Finland and the Finnish Marine Industries, we cordially invite you to our webinar “Health at Sea: Is the maritime industry ready to resume safe operations”. Moderator of the webinar: André Noël Chaker.


We have invited topic experts to present their perspective:

  • Opening words: Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Mika Lintilä, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
  • Industry response to achieve readiness for safe and healthy sailing. What are the measures accomplished vs. new technology needs for future?
  • Classification society perspective to COVID-19, Mr. Martin Petricic, American Bureau of Shipping
  • Crisis creates new innovation ecosystems – how health technology innovations help the marine industry to resume operations. Professor, Head of Marine Technology Pentti Kujala, Marine X Health Ecosystem, School of Engineering at Aalto University

Participation to the webinar is free of charge, however, requires a pre-registration.

Who should join?

Cruise operators, ship owners, shipyards, subcontractors, health technology providers.


Register here